Boards and Commissions

City Hall
City hall sign


The City finds it desirous to establish volunteer boards and committees to address specific issues and provide recommendations to the city commission. The city commission may dissolve the boards or committees if it finds a board or committee no longer serves a useful purpose.


All members of volunteer boards and committees shall be appointed by the City Commission by resolution and serve for a term so designated for that particular board or committee.

Member Qualifications

Each member of a volunteer Board or Committee shall be a resident of the City of Valparaiso. However, the City Commission may make appointments of those who are not residents of the City but who own property in the City and have specific experience and expertise which will positively contribute to a board or committee.


All boards and committees will elect a chairperson annually in the month of October. A chairperson may be elected to serve multiple terms. The City Clerk shall be provided in writing every year the name of the chairperson.

Water tower

Sunshine Law Each board and committee shall meet on a regular basis at a date and time to be determined by the chairperson. All meetings shall be publicly advertised. The City Clerk shall be notified of all meetings. A majority of the members shall constitute a quorum.

Sunshine Law

All members of each board and committee are subject to the Florida Government in the Sunshine Law, Chapter 286, F.S.


Minutes shall be taken at every meeting and once approved and adopted, forwarded to the City Clerk.


All boards and committees must obtain approval from the City Commission to solicit funds to serve the purpose of that board or committee.


All funds raised or obtained by a board or committee must be placed in a City-earmarked account.