FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Can you pay your bill online?

Through paperless E-Billing* customers have the option to receive their cable and/or utility bill via e-mail rather than a mailed paper bill. Paperless E-Billing is beneficial for customers and for the environment. Your E-Billing enrollment reduces the number of paper bills and envelopes you receive in the mail. In addition, E-Billing offers a convenient online bill payment option for subscribing customers.

For questions, please click link here.

Email Password Requirments

How to change your email password in Webmail once you are logged in:


Click on Settings

Click on Security Options

There should be a section for Change Password

Here you will enter the current password in the field for 'Current Password'

You will enter the new password in the two places for New Password and for Confirm Password

Next you will click to Update Password

This will save your new password.

Please remember the new passwords will need to follow the password requirements.

     Passwords Requirements:

     Must be a minimum of eight (8) characters

     Must contain alphanumeric characters with at least one number or special character

     Must contain both upper and lower case alphabetic characters

     Cannot contain the user's email address user name

     Cannot be one of the top known compromised passwords. This is a dynamically updated list that may contain what seem to be some well-formatted passwords, but that are known to be commonly tried by bots to hack into accounts.

An example of a good password:  Linc0lnC@r593%

The qualifications of a new, strong/secure password is a combination of letters, numbers, and special characters; with at least one upper case letter.  The special characters that we utilize when resetting email passwords are the following symbols:   @  %  _  -  and the period (.)

Is there after hour support?

Yes, 24/7 365. Call 850-729-5404 and listen to the whole message or email us at support [at] valp.org. Emails and after hour calls will be returned the next business day.

What is considered an emergency?

To be considered an emergency when it comes to TV cable and internet, all services are out, that is no service on any TV or an issue with your alarm system. Internet down is not considered an emergency unless you are paying for commercial level service.

If you do not meet these conditions a service call fee of $35 will be charged if you can not wait till the next business day.

Who is responsible for the pipe from my house to the pedestal?

The home owner is responsible for putting a 3/4 inch pipe with 90 degree sweeps (No hard 90s) from power side of their house where their cable connections come out to the nearest cable pedestal or pole.

Who owns VALP Cable?

Valparaiso Broadband Communications Systems is owned by the City of Valparaiso.

Will a fax machine work over VOIP (The phone service we use)?

If the fax machine does not say that it is VOIP ready, then it is a 50/50 chance it will work.