Curbside Pickup

Pickup material requests

Through curbside service, you can checkout materials. Simply search the online catalog and fill out the materials request form. Curbside service is available Monday - Friday from 9:00 am - 5:00 pm.

Curbside Service

1. Search the online catalog for material available for checkout.
2. You must select Valparaiso Library from the first dropdown menu on the left of the screen.
3. Notate the information of each item request such as title, author, format, etc.
4. Complete the materials request form below.

Valparaiso Library Materials Request

Use the form below to request materials for curbside service.

     Requested items will be checked out to your library card and available for pickup during regular business hours.

Enter 14-digit library card number
Enter Item Information: Title, Author, Publication Date. Format: (Book, audiobook, DVD, etc.)