Video Games

Popular Games

Video Game Circulation and Checkout Policy

  • Video Games are available for patrons over the age of twelve or with parental approval using the adult’s library card.
  • Patrons are only allowed to checkout two games per member (no more than four games per household).
  • Video Games can be checked out for two weeks and renewed an additional two weeks if the game has no holds. 
  • Patrons who are continuously late will have their video game privilege revoked.
  • Damage to the game disc or to the game cover will require an additional fee to clean and/or replace the disc, or repair the cover. Patrons are responsible for all items taken home from the library.

Checkout Video Games

We are excited to announce the addition of video games to our library's collection. The video game selection includes games for Xbox, Xbox One, Wii, Wii U, 3DS, and PS3, and PS4 gaming consoles.

AWE Literacy Station

The AWE touchscreen computer is a dynamic all-in-one learning solution for children ages 2-8 and for ages 8-12. It requires no Internet connection and features more than 70 fun-filled, educational applications.